fortune cookie

Fortune Cookie (Txa Txa Club, 2021) is an act of interactive play via hypertext that interrogates the extent to which acts of translation and interpretation encode our epistemological assumptions about everything from the way we eat to how we form connections among seemingly disparate concepts. 

For Supper Club Vol. 5—which was a series of riffs on classic Chinese Take-Out dishes—we concluded the dinner by handing out fortune cookies that contained these ambiguously aphoristic phrases and a QR code linking the phrase to its corresponding contextual photo, video, or excerpt from a larger evolving work within the overall project.

L’amour is not dead.


Limb the rental nimbus malady of ground.


To think of language is what?


Take a picture; it’ll last longer.


Beauty in its various, forms.


Un oeuf is enough!


Assume a pseudonym for camo.


Take 2 in the morning and every 6 hours if synonyms persist.


Auto-prone to laughing out loud and garrulously.


The glass is always cleaner on the other side.


“I know you are, but what am I?”


That which is foreign will be made known to you.


The digital age is not all it’s cracked up to be.


Doorways fester with meanings.


Which came first, the object or the art?


Star six nine the last meaningful thing anyone has ever said to you.


“The only thing elevated about this food is the price!”


Clarity is found in distance; but so is obscurity.


Now is the time to explore your identity.


New geometry shapes

new fames of mind.


To define a single word means to try and catch the ripples of its meaning.
